A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

This is a story—a broken one, to be precise—that will toy with the human mind, manipulating your emotions as it sees fit. It will control you, the reader, in ways you may notice (or perhaps not), drawing you into a narrative of your own choosing—or perhaps one chosen for you. Will it be a love story? A tragic story? A happy story? Maybe a comedic one, or maybe it wasn't a simple story to begin with.

What story do you want to read? You decide, dear reader.


Welcome, dear Reader. It's nice of you to join us with your presence.

...But I must disappoint you, my dear reader, for there is no tale to be found here. This is merely a seal, a prison, a cage—call it what you will. For whom, you ask? Why, for Milady, of course.

Yet, perhaps your presence will make it more interesting, not only for her but also for me. 

But be sure not to intervene too much, if you please.



If you want to dive in completely blind, please skip this part! Thanks!

  • The Prologue is a very short showcase of the setting and potential of the game.
  • The estimated time to finish the Prologue is about 10 minutes for a single playthrough. For those determined to find and see everything, the estimated time can reach over 45 minutes.
  • The Prologue features 2 main endings, achieved through multiple different routes, along with several smaller endings. (Though the second main ending is not as easily achievable as the first.)
  • Many details are subtly mentioned in the dialogue, rewarding those who pay close attention.



Broken Story: Melissa - Prologue serves as a short demo for Broken Story: Melissa, a horror-psychological visual novel that I aim to fully develop and publish. The Prologue offers a glimpse of the larger story, hopefully leaving you wanting more!

To fully realize this project, I need funding, which I will seek through Kickstarter. Please feel free to bookmark my Kickstarter page until it goes public (click on the Kickstarter image). This is, of course, only if I’ve managed to capture your interest after playing the Prologue!

Thank you very much!

Best regards, 

Untold Quill Games!


BrStryMe-1.0-Prologue.zip 95 MB

Install instructions

ATTENTION: I do not own a macOS or Linux system, which means I am unable to test those versions. However, I have decided to include them anyway for testing purposes. Please let me know if you encounter any issues or if they are unplayable. Thank you very much!